Mrs. Rita Lipshitz

Rita Lipshitz, M.A.

Assistant Dean, Sarah Hartman Women’s College

Following a year of learning and working in Israel, Mrs. Rita Lipshitz attended Northwestern University during which she studied in the former Soviet Union for six weeks. After earning her baccalaureate degree in Russian language and culture, she attended the University of Illinois where she earned an M.A. in Special Education.

Rita Lipshitz worked for several years at the Northwestern University Library followed by the Chicago Board of Education. She then became a teacher in the Russian Tutorial Program and became the Director of the program. After that position, she taught at P’TACH for a number of years.

She accepted major positions in numerous volunteer organizations in Chicago, such as Arie Crown Hebrew Day School, AMIT, Hanna Sacks Bais Yaakov, Chicago Community Kollel, Skokie Kollel, and Yeshivot Bnei Akiva.

In January of 1993, Dr. Esther Shkop invited her to join her at the Anne M. Blitstein Teachers Institute for Women. Rita Lipshitz has worked here for over 31 years as Assistant Dean. She also taught Religion to women from the former Soviet Union who were studying computer science. Other courses she taught are History of Russian Jewry, and Advanced Composition. Working at the Sarah Hartman Women's College with outstanding faculty members and staff in a collegiate atmosphere for so many years has truly been an honor. Mentoring students and recognizing the achievements and successes of the many lovely women who have attended the Sara Hartman Women's College has been a tremendous joy.