Memorial and Kaddish Services

For generations throughout history, the Jewish people have honored the memories of parents and other loved ones by saying kaddish. Many people wish to say kaddish but are unable to do so. As a service to the entire Jewish community, a designated Rabbi or senior student at Hebrew Theological College will:

  • Recite kaddish three times daily for the prescribed eleven-month period;
  • Recite yizkor on the appropriate Jewish holidays;
  • Say kaddish at the three services on the annual yahrzeit;
  • Notify designated family members of the forthcoming annual yahrzeit

Additionally, Hebrew Theological College can establish a plaque on our digital Yahrzeit Memorial Board and or a regular memorial plaque at our college that contains the deceased’s name in English and Hebrew as well as the English and Hebrew dates of death.

The fee for our rabbinic leadership to recite kaddish as described above is $500. The fee for the Digital Memorial Plaque Service including reciting the kaddish service, if desired, is $720. The fee for the Regular Memorial Plaque Service including reciting the kaddish service, if desired, is $1,000.

All proceeds from the kaddish and memorial plaque services go directly to the Hebrew Theological College Student Scholarship fund.  

Register for kaddish  and memorial services